Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Krzysztof Cios
(IEEE Fellow)
Virginia Commonwealth University, US
Prof. Krzysztof
Cios is a Fellow of the American Institute for
Medical and Biological Engineering, a Fellow of
the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a
Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and
Sciences, a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific
Association of Artificial Intelligence, and a
Life Fellow of the IEEE ("for contributions to
data mining and machine learning").
Keynote Speaker II

Prof. Thomas Hanne
University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland
Thomas Hanne
received master's degrees in Economics and
Computer Science, and a PhD in Economics. From
1999 to 2007 he worked at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) as
senior scientist. Since then he is Professor for
Information Systems at the University of Applied
Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and
Head of the Competence Center Systems
Engineering since 2012.
Thomas Hanne is author of more than 230 journal
articles, conference papers, and other
publications and editor of several journals and
special issues. His current research interests
include computational intelligence, evolutionary
algorithms, metaheuristics, optimization,
simulation, multicriteria decision analysis,
natural language processing, machine learning,
systems engineering, software development,
logistics, and supply chain management. -
Keynote Speaker III

Prof. Jerome Yen
University of Macau, Macau
Prof. Yen
currently a Distinguished Professor in the
Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at the
University of Macau (UM). He obtained his Ph.D.
in Systems Engineering and MIS from the
University of Arizona. He used to hold
appointments in the Department of Finance and
Department of Mathematics at HKUST as adjunct
professor as an honorary professor in the Dept
of EEE at HKU. Prof. Yen is a well-established
researcher and practitioner in the finance and
banking community. He has published more than
seventy journal papers in respectable journals
and five books in China Financial Markets, Algo
Trading and High Frequency Trading, as well as
Pricing of Structured Products and Options
Trading. His research has now focused on using
hardware accelerators, like FPGA, GPU, and
RSIC-V, to design platforms to improve the
efficiency and accuracy of the financial
Prof. Yen was the Deputy Chief Risk Officer at
Cathay Financial Holdings (CFH) from 2005 to
2007 and Director of the Internet Finance
Division of Hong Kong Applied Science and
Technology Research Institute (ASTRI). He also
provided advisory/consulting services to leading
financial institutions, for example, Societe
Generale, Hang Seng Bank, AIA, Bank of East Asia
(BEA), Essences Securities in China, Great-wall
Invesco, SinoPac, and China Construction Bank
(CCB) in risk management, exotic options and
structured products pricing, as well as building
platform to support quick development of mutual
Keynote Speaker IV

Prof. Alexandre Lobo
University of Saint Joseph, Macau
Professor at the University of Saint Joseph
(Macau SAR, China), where he also works as Head
of Department, Research Coordinator, and
Director of the Laboratory of Applied
Neurosciences (LAN/USJ). PostDoctorate and
Honorary Research Fellow at the University of
Leicester - UK. Visiting Associate Professor at
the University of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (UCAS) - Shenzhen Institutes of
Advanced Technologies (SIAT). Has large
experience in Artificial Intelligence,
Bioengineering (including biosignals monitoring,
such as ECG, EEG, GSR, and others, and
bioimaging, such as CT-SCANs, X-Rays, fNIRS,
among others), Applied Computer Science, Digital
Signal Processing, and Nonlinear analysis and
dynamic systems. Prof Lobo has developed, in the
last five years, a multidisciplinary research
program on Applied Neurosciences, integrating
research groups from Brazil, Portugal, Macau,
China, and the United States, with multiple
Ph.D. and master projects. Having authored and
edited nine books and over 80 publications in
indexed journals and conferences, his Laboratory
has published research results on Artificial
Intelligence applied to multiple domain areas,
such as Medicine, Psychology, Education,
Leadership, Marketing, Finance, and Management.
In addition, he also supports and leads projects
in the area of open innovation in Macau,
Portuguese Speaking Countries, and the Greater
Bay Area.