All full paper submissions to the ISCBI 2026 should be related to the main topics of the conference and each paper will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, originality, completeness, contributions and readability. Manuscripts submitted to the conference first go through an initial screening by the editorial team. Those that clear the screening are sent to at least two to three experts for peer review. The editor considers all the feedback from peer reviewers and makes a decision to accept or reject the manuscript. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published as a proceedings.
Publishing Process:
1. Authors submit papers via the submission system
or conference email:
Paper format should be in Word (preferred) or PDF.
2. Once the initial submission deadline has
completed for your paper submission type, the
organizing committee will begin reviewing all papers
in your submission type.
3. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be
sent to corresponding authors on or before the
scheduled date.
4. Author should pay the
registration fee, and send the final manuscript (PDF
and Word Version), registration form, and payment
proof to before
the registration deadline.
5. Final version of paper should proofread and
typeset and sent to the conference before the
6. Final manuscript will be sent to the publication
office for publication.